Business Process

Microsoft Office Suite
|Access | Excel | Outlook | VBA |
We specialize in office automation and integration.

Welcome to BSPEC - Microsoft Office Suite

Microsoft Office is extremely popular. It's ease-of-use, accessibility, interactivity, and adaptability across operating systems have made its programs the most commonly used tools within companies around the world.
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Microsoft Office Suite - Program and Development and Program Inegration

Microsoft Office Suite
Mostly: Access, Excel, Word, Outlook, and VBA

Access -Normalization and Referential Integrity • Queries • Forms and Reports • Modules (VB and VBA). Migration and linking to external data sources. • User Interface and Automation (ERP)


Excel - Design and Structure • Calculation, Formulas, and VBA Macros and functions • Graphs and Forecasting • Linking to other discourses • Integration with the entire Microsoft Office Suite.

Outlook – Email, Calendar, Tasks, etc. and more. Integration with the entire Office Suite for email formatting and targeted email control (grouping, email content search auto-response, etc.).