Business Process

Public Sector
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Past and Present Customers, Examples and Industries.
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A few examples of Past and Present Customers, and Industries.

University of Maryland - Budget and Finance

Budget Compilation System

Human Resources | Staffing | Health Care
Created budget system for a 1/2 billion dollar budget compiled for 250+ cost centers.  The system produced financials for revenue, expense comparisons and deviations on demand through migration with the medical centers accounting system.

University of Maryland - Human Resources

Staffing System

Human Resources | Staffing | Health Care
Created T.E.M.S. (Temporary Employment Management System) used for managing supplemental staffing.  This system utilized MS Access and web-based systems for the front end and a myriad of data sources....

University of Maryland - Shock Trauma Center

Data Minning

Reporting | Statistical Reporting | Health Care
Data analysis/reporting system which enabled users to query millions of record spanning decades of data. The reporting system and results allowed user to filer and query in one place all the legacy sources (databases, APIs, etc.) with a desktop and intranet GUI interface....


HMO - Y2K - System Update Audit

Health Care | IT - Consulting | Government
1 of 3 member team tasked to audit the status of the Y2K switch of major HMO companies like Kaiser Permanente and Blue Cross Blue Shield. Job function was to audit all the computer systems that could impact providing services to The Social Security Administrations member clients.

American Radiology Service

API Data Collection

IT - Networking | IT - Database | Health Care
Developed a data collection program used to retrieve data from imaging monitoring station on the East Coast. This program connects to Access database used by an imaging program at the sites. The program generates queries based on the last download to filter for only information not yet received.

Maritime Institute

Maritime Training Simulator

GPS | IT - Consulting | Proto Typing

Developed a pilot training program for sea port navigation training. Integrated with a simulation system used for training - this program would randomly generate ghost ships sent to the simulation program via GPS coordinates.

Gemcraft Homes

Internet Migration

Accounting and Finance | IT - Browser Development | Construction
Built over 20+ desktop applications and moved 20+ business processes from Desktop Applications to the intranet and internet.

Systems included Client, Vendor, Employee portals

Harvard University

Active Directory Development

IT - Desktop Development | IT - Security | IT - Networking

Created an Active Directory linking program allowing IT staff to easily link networked PCs to the desired Active Directory server. Utilized VB.NET and Windows API calls.

Verizon Wireless

Data Integration and Data Management

Reporting | Accounting and Finance | Telecommunications
Enhanced the information system used to manage about 3,000 cell towers being built in DC, MD, VA and PA. System Enhancements included an increase in speed by a factor of 10. Integrated legacy Databases with ad-hoc databases to pool information....

Rockwell Collins

Face Recognition Delelopment

IT - Consulting | IT - Security | IT - General
In the department of ARNIC in the division of Airport Technologies. This department is responsible many aspects of airport operation (Asset management, Security, Passenger verification, Biometrics and increasing the efficiency of airport efficiencies world wide.)

Fort Detrick Pathology Army Base

System Development

Logistics | Professional Services | Government

Responsible for maintenance, troubleshooting and enhancements to Pathology system. Team work on a team of 5 people. SQL Server,, VB6,, VBA, Microsoft office automation, web development.

Capital Resources Group

IPO Preparation

Government | Professional Services | Finance
Assisted in preparation and creation of IPOs for the banks current depositors.
When the banks got into financial trouble in 80s and 90s the IPOs were used to raise new capital to put the banks from the “red” back to the “black” financially....

Engility (SAIC)

Navy Ship Inspections

IT - Database | IT - Security | Government

Mainly was too enhance and fix issues with existing systems and core programs. Also required on site visits to new Navy ships (Air Craft Carriers, Submarines, etc.).



Telecommunications | GPS | Government
The Equipment Location-Certification Information Database (EL-CID) was developed to provide an automated tool to support electronic processing of spectrum certification requests at NTIA. The database structure and design is based upon the new comprehensive database (the OSM Data Dictionary) being developed at NTIA to replace the GMF database that is currently used to support various spectrum management activities, particularly the frequency assignment process.

AON Corporation

Database Migration

Health Care | Logistics | IT - Database
AON Corporation tasked BSPEC as Lead Developer on a project to migrate from an IBM-DB2 database through an MS SQL Database for applying new business rules and migration transformations to an ORACLE database....

Medical Innovations

Inventory and Planning

Logistics | Inventory | Health Care
Automated their inventory system for tracking wholesale medical products utilizing MS Access, SQL server, PowerPoint, Word, Excel and Windows Server configuration.

Med force

Staffing and Recruitment

Human Resources | Marketing | Health Care
Sold T.E.M.S (Temporary Employment Management System) to Medforce and enhanced the existing system originally developed for the University of Maryland Medical System.